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Case Study: Seikei & Bina Bangsa Partnership

​Japanese students from Seikei Senior High School, Tokyo, Japan collaborated online with Indonesian students from Bina Bangsa School, Indonesia for 6 weeks, starting in January, 2022. 10 students split into 2 small mixed groups and conducted the group work for the conservation of natural resources based on MOTTAINAI (What a waste!) that Kenyan environmentalist Wangari Maathai, a Nobel Peace Prize winner, introduced  as a slogan for environmental protection.​

Cooperation by



Orientation Day

At the first day, two schools conducted the orientation together with country introductions and casual chat in breakout rooms to get to know each other. Although all students looked a bit nervous, they successfully delivered all items they prepared, and socialized with each other.


Cultural Exchange

After the orientation day, students split into 2 mixed groups and conducted cultural exchange on the Group Discussion Board respectively. The hobbies and country's traditional items that were shared taught them that there are similarities and differences in culture and lifestyle between two countries.

SSHS-BBS-Cultural Exchange.jpg


Online Collaboration

Each group researched how familiar MOTTANIAI (resource-wasting) behaviors would impact on the Earth. One group selected solar panel waste and the other over-wrapping. During the video chat sessions every week, both groups enjoyed not only working on the worksheet but also chatting each other.


Presentation Day

At the final day, each group successfully conducted the final presentations in English. We were excited to have two special guests from Mitsubishi Corporation Packaging and Waseda University, in addition to both school principles. It was impressive for all students to be reluctant to say good-bye and leave the session.


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